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周博&蔡雨洋作品 | 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

http://www.jiajupaiming.com 2020-08-07 16:40 家具排名 

  Inter-temporal dialogue: The past and present of a red brick historic house.


  The former residence of Zhang Zuoxiang built by red bricks and gray tiles, hidden in town.


  At the end of year 2018, Designers Zhou Bo and Cai YuYang were invited to transform this private residence to restaurant, which across time space, the designers completed the work with the concept of respecting the original architectural appearance.  


  “ The designing creates a connection allows dialogue between the past and present, in terms of different “forms” to express the same “meanings” of decent lifestyle. Past and Present,  New and Old, are all existed with significance.

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生


  The Historic house was built in 1928, nearly a century ago. Despite of all the floors are wood structured, the house is still well maintained. The structural and building surface alterations to the original building were rejected by the designers, because of the concept of respecting and protecting the original architecture structure and the character of the historic building. Therefore, the original structure and building surface are well kept.


  The renovated waterscaped courtyard is isolated from busy marketplace, the verdant bush pairs up with the red wall. walking up the steps and going through a wooden door, then entering the three -level house.

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生


  In order to accompany the unique character of the building, the style of interior design is vintage, lots of curving designing language, smooth intersection angles are used to express how time flies and polished. There are plenty of recycled floorboards materials used, which hope to bring viewers back to the age that the house was built.  


  At the first floor, large areas of wooden material decorated wall shows the distinguished character of the historic building. The lightness of interior space is lowered, but all the tables are illuminated, the contrast of darkness and brightness can let people feel relaxed, soft light from lantern brings dinner’s focus on delicious food. There are large areas of wooden windows are half covered by vintage curtains, which corresponding the colour of wooden materials on the wall. This delivers decency and classic beauty.

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生


  The sculpture by artist Du Juan, opens a window for the historic building, so the art atmosphere grows in the house.


  Moli Mansion has three levels, The whole designing concept is integrated, but each level’s space is treated differently.


  Before, the basement was used as a treasury, while Zhang ZuoXiang used to live in this house. Now, the basement is transformed into a wine cellar, and the floor is decorated by brass, this traces back the the prosperous and luxury time of the official family owners of the house. The exquisite wine shelves and the rough stone wall are clearly contrasted visually.  

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生


  Back to the time of 1920s, craftsmen hand carved the elegant and curving stairs with one single piece of wood, it is precious today.

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生


  Level two private dinning rooms, warm orange leather covers the wall, which gives an upgraded honorable feelings for exclusive guests. In this grand space, tiny moss can easily control the sentiment of the space.  

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生

周博&蔡雨洋作品| 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生












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周博&蔡雨洋作品 | 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生
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网址: 周博&蔡雨洋作品 | 超时空对话,红砖古楼的前世今生 http://www.jiajupaiming.com/newsview43254.html
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