北京优山美地 北京御汤山 北京四合院
深圳九号公馆 深圳鲸山别墅 深圳君临海域 深圳新世界名镌 深圳栖湖别墅
广州大一山庄 广州碧桂园 广州金地香山湖 广州云峰原著 广州双珑原著
元 素:
新 浪:您能先介绍设计理念吗?
XinLang:Could you first introduce the design concept.
Li: My design concept is to create a comfortable living space. Each house, each home, has its own unique aura. I am more focused on getting to know my clients and taking the time to understand about their lives, their needs and ideas, this was followed by an analysis of their wish list, followed by a tour of the house, using natural and environmentally friendly materials such as wood, lime, concrete, natural linen fibres and fabrics, in an attempt to maintain harmony and balance in the design. Each of my projects are tailor-made, I think in line with the actual needs of customers, in line with the living habits and Personal Aura of the living environment to create a better living environment.
新 浪:当你开始一个设计时,设计触发点的情景是如何产生的?其中你认为最重要的品质是什么?
XinLang:What situations would inspire you to start a design? Which quality is the most important for you?
Iker: It depends on the circumstances. For me, the most important thing is to turn the details of my life, combined with the habits of my clients and the elements they like, into something direct and effective, whether it's some color or some spatial ambience or personal beliefs, avoid focusing on a single individual.
新 浪:对于不同的设计风格您有什么看法
XinLang:What do you think of different design styles?
LI:In fact, now that we are designing, we can not be too rigid on style. What is most important is the accumulation of culture. For example, the Chinese style is a special space culture atmosphere formed by the culture that has been handed down for thousands of years in China, all Chinese furniture has its own professional name and meaning in. Another example is the European style, which is a cultural and historical process in Europe. The frescoes, Wall coverings and wall coverings, as I now call them, all originated from a continuation of the frescoes of the renaissance. It has cultural details in it, the style of production, including that of northern Europe, which is also adapted to local conditions, is traced back to its source on certain historical grounds, but like Qingge, it can exist depending on various styles, so it is not excessive to pursue a style, it combines its own aura to create a usable, appreciable and understandable living environment. However, an important premise is that no matter what kind of space atmosphere is designed, must be a designer based on different local culture of cognition and understanding, in order to create a reasonable space environment
新 浪:您每天都在做什么,使您的设计保持最新状态?
XinLang:What do you do on a daily basis that keeps your design thinking up to date?
ND:I m like a sponge... each time when i travel, read or visit an exhibition... i take all the images with me in my minds... For when i need it during my creative process . I found inspiration every where....
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