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iADC国际艺展中心成为米兰家具展主办方FLA EVENTI中国首个战略合作伙伴

http://www.jiajupaiming.com 2018-04-22 00:24 家具排名 


  展会期间4月20日下午4点30分,iADC国际艺展中心与米兰国际家具展主办方——意大利木业和家具工业联合会装饰展览公司 (Federlegno Arredo Eventi) 在米兰家具展现场举行战略合作签约仪式。iADC国际艺展中心成为此次展会上唯一一家与米兰展官方签约合作的中国企业,而这也是FLA EVENTI首次与中国企业签订深度战略合作协议。

  FLA EVENTI国际推广部总监Mr. Roberto Cuneo作为本场盛会的主持人,回顾了与iADC项目接触的历程,代表FLA EVENTI阐述了对于此项目的高度认可。

  iADC国际艺展中心艺术总监Robin Fang强调,我们将共同为意大利众多优秀的二线品牌在中国提供一个窗口实体平台, 并致力打造意大利新锐设计师在中国的对接平台。

  接下来FLA EVENTI总经理Mr. Sebastiano Cerullo发表了致辞,表示在未来三到五年,中国将替代美国成为意大利家具出口的第一大市场,也对双方合作前景充满信心。


  意大利木业和家具工业联合会装饰展览公司 (Federlegno Arredo Eventi) ,简称FLA Eventi,旨在通过组织世界上最知名的展会来推广意大利式生活方式,例如米兰国际家具展 (Salone del Mobile di Milano) 和米兰建筑设计展(MADE expo) 。



  双方承诺在对方举办的活动中,都将对方作为重要的合作伙伴及协调方,并且要加强合作信息交流,相互提供最新的有关项目、企业合作需求,还可定期举办座谈会及沙龙,为双方企业创造更多的交流机会。未来双方将在不同层面展开合作,如组织房地产商,设计师等专业人士对意大利品牌进行深度考察和对接,体验当地历史和生活方式,同时搭建中意设计师及地产项目交流对接平台,比如通过B2B等项目的合作,把意大利的优质设计资源引进中国。通过此次战略联盟,FLA EVENTI和iADC还会合力打造意大利二线优秀品牌进驻中国的窗口实体平台和意大利新锐设计师在中国的对接平台,这对双方而言都具有里程碑式的意义。

  iADC国际艺展中心和FLA EVENTI合力打造的意大利概念馆,不仅是纯正意大利生活方式的极致体验中心,也成为意大利文化与设计艺术在亚洲的传播中心。此次合作,将进一步推动“意大利制造”在中国市场的推广,双方强强联合、优势互补,共同推进世界家具行业的不断发展。


  iADC from Shenzhen China become the first strategic Chinese partner of FLA EVENTI

  The 2018 Salone del mobile is attracting more than 100.000 Chinese designers and professionals to come. April 20th 16:30, The International Art Design Center (iADC) from Shenzhen, China signed agreement with Federlegno Arredo Eventi, the organizer of Salone Del Mobile. It’s the first time that FLA EVENTI sign the official agreement with Chinese company.

  Mr. Roberto Cuneo, head of International Promotion Department of FLAE was the host of this event, he reviewed the process of being in touch with iADC, and highly recognize this project.

  The art director of iADC Robin Fang emphasize that together with FLA EVENTI, we will provide a window platform for the good Italian second line brands, and connect the Italian young design to the Chinese market.

  And the General Director of Federlegno Arredo Eventi Mr. Sebastiano Cerullo said that in the future 3-5 years, China will become the biggest market for Italian furniture instead of America. So he is very confident about our cooperation.

  International Art Design Center (iADC) is located in the north of Bao'an Airport, Shenzhen, has a total construction area of about 1.5 million square meters, is an international life aesthetics complex that combines global household exhibition and trading center, artistic town, museum of design, educational training and innovation, business headquarters, theme hotels, as well as other supporting services. iADC will establish an Italian design platform which gathers around 40 Italian high and medium end brands. iADC project plan to open in Nov 2018.

  FEDERLEGNO ARREDO EVENTI spa, is a company to spread Italian lifestyle through organizing the most famous exhibition in the world such as Salone del Mobile and MADE expo.

  This signing ceremony is of great significance for both parties. Both parties will make joint efforts to introduce original and high quality Italian brands and products into the Chinese market open the Chinese market channels and strengthen the perception of “Made in Italy” products in the Chinese market. The Chinese consumers can enjoy the latest home furnishing trend in their homeland.

  Both parties will consider the counterpart as an important partner in the co-operated activities held in the counterparty's country or regions. Both parties will strengthen their cooperation through exchange of information, organizing different activities to create more chances for multi-communication. In the future, iADC and FLA EVENTI will cooperate in various ways. For example, provide design tours for developers and designers to Italian brands, factories, and have more understand about the culture and history behind. Meanwhile, we will connect the Italian design and Chinese projects, design companies, and clients etc. by events like B2B. Through our cooperation, iADC will become a window for excellent Italian medium brands to get into Chinese market. Moreover, this project aims to create more connection between the Italian young designer and China.

  The Italian design platform that establish by iADC and FLA EVENTI, is not only the experience center of true Italian lifestyle, but also the platform to spread Italian culture, design, and art in Asia. This cooperation will strengthen the awareness of “made in Italy” in Chinese market, and make contribution to the development of the furnishing industry around the world.


iADC国际艺展中心成为米兰家具展主办方FLA EVENTI中国首个战略合作伙伴
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网址: iADC国际艺展中心成为米兰家具展主办方FLA EVENTI中国首个战略合作伙伴 http://www.jiajupaiming.com/newsview26010.html
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